SpaceManAndy’s Advice for TheBigBiteOnBrains

Bitch will get you killed!

Dear SpaceManAndy, We’ve all seen movies about Zombie Apocalypses that take place in rural America and in New York and LA but what about us schmucks here in Baltimore? Do you have any advice for those of us hoping to survive the coming Horror in B-more? Sincerely, TheBigBiteOnBrains in B-more Dear BigBite, So, you want […]

SpaceManAndy’s Advice for Cocktail Nerd in Oakland

Dear SpaceManAndy,

I am a pedant who believes that only a drink consisting of gin and
vermouth (and possibly bitters) should ever be called a Martini. I
also believe that such a drink should always be stirred, never shaken.
In this world dominated by Grey Goose and James Bond, will I ever find
true love? Or at least a blowjob?


Cocktail Nerd in Oakland

SpaceManAndy’s Advice for Hit-It-And-Quit-It

This week’s question receives a gift certificate to Harborque! Keep those questions coming to! Dear Spaceman Andy, What is the most polite way to tell someone they cannot spend the night over after sex without having to say “Get your clothes on and get the f**k out – but untie me first?” Thanks, Ms. […]

SpaceManAndy’s advice for Nitpicked Neighbor

Behold, SpaceManAndy’s debut column, “I don’t know, I guess that could work. Maybe?” With any luck this will appear weekly on a day yet to be decided. EMAIL ANDY with your queries, he’s dying to help you!! Dear Space Man, Thank goodness you are available to answer questions, I didn’t know where to turn until […]

“I don’t know, I guess this could work, maybe?”

Let’s face it, you have issues. Issues that require the solid, well-trained advice that only someone on the Internet who works for NASA and has no formal advice-delivering experience at all can give you. That is why effective immediately, local personality SpaceManAndywill be fielding your questions and concerns in our new column, “I don’t know, […]