I dressed like a cartoon; bitches love cartoons.

There aren’t many fashion trends that I actually get excited about. Just in general, I like to look good, but I’m not a terribly trendy person. In fact there are several trends these days that I absolutely despise. For example: Or pretty much anything on American Apparel’s New and Now section:   And I’ll just […]

SpaceManAndy’s Politically Potent Potables for Sober and Sad Sarah

Dear SpaceManAndy, I need booze to get me through the current political climate. Please suggest some cocktails. Thanks, Sober and Sad Sarah Dear Sober and Sad, No, thank YOU. You’ve given me a chance to combine 2 of my great loves: booze, and asserting my opinion on current events! It’s true, things are depressing right […]

SpaceManAndy & Friends’ Very Special Advice for National Coming Out Day

In honor of National Coming Out Day, I’ve decided to do a very special version of my advice column. Coming out is a very personal thing that’s different for everyone. I can’t just sit here and tell you what to do, so I’ve talked to some people I know to get their perspectives. Hopefully one […]