Ignore the imitators, this is the OG, very best, best of 311
Other Request at 401-499 S Patterson Park Ave Baltimore

drunk homeless vagrants on top of hill 400 block of s patterson park ave. two guys
sr number: 13-00822071
status: Closed. Police issues must be called in.
Other Request at 401-499 S Patterson Park Ave Baltimore

second drunk homeless dude. previous report
sr number: 13-00822072
status: Closed. Police issues must be called in.
“Let sleeping drunks lie, unless they’re interrupting your yoga poses in the park.” ~Ancient proverb
But seriously 311 – you’re sitting right next to 911, why not pass the word along to them and save everyone and unreported drunk in the park since no one is going to tell these people that their reports have been closed without incident?
City Employee Complaint Request at 226 E Lafayette Ave Baltimore

why do police favortism mental ill idiots ingreenmountnwest area and dontnarrest when citizen call them when the sools off meds drinking and causing malious distruction but sit in a damm sqad car in uniform looking dumb founded diantnyou go to pluce acadamy to protect citisens you even took the damm oath is you cwnt do the job quit yournwasting ourtax city spentndollors u get sor paycheck female officer looked atnus like shenuneducatd why she cant arrst a mental ill person on someones private property doing mischief mr batts i want answers whty u fail to arrest mental ill who zomitt crimes
sr number: 13-00818325
agency: Other
Apparently anger and good spelling don’t mix in Baltimore
City Employee Complaint Request at 226 E Lafayette Ave Baltimore

alxholics loitwring here and drinking on steps of 224 e lafayette ave daily hide open xontainers on side of stoop whwn policexome through please arrest tbese bums
sr number: 13-00222477
agency: Other
This one is tricky because a) it’s a city employee complaint which will never be honored b) it’s actually another drunks complaint which will not be followed upon and c) STOP TYPING WHILE ANGRY
Food Facility Complaint Request at 201–233 W Read St, Baltimore

Drinkery 205 W Read: this is the fifth time request is submitted; each time problem is reported abated. Owner makes it clear he doesn’t care that daily piles of birdseed are attracting rats, accumulating a stench of urine and droppings, and creating a general mess outside his business. (Previous reports: 13-00743746, 13-00663353, 13-00764349, 13-00800737)
sr number: 13-00817832
status: Closed. Abated – Close SR
issue: Other
Who doesn’t want to see a flock of ghetto doves? That’s like, my favorite 80s band.