The Fifth Annual (!) Snuggie Bar Crawl is this weekend

snuggie bar crawl

Unbelievably, inconceivably, holy shit we’re oldily the FIFTH ANNUAL and wildly popular Snuggie Bar Crawl is occurring this Saturday, February 23rd with the jump being at Captain Larry’s Bar and Grill (601 E Fort Ave., Riverside). I think I’ve been to at least three of them thus far with the first having had the distinction of being one of the first of its kind in the nation. It’s always a good ol’ time walking around South Baltimore in the February air protected by the blue warming blue that only a Snuggie, or possibly a Slanket, can provide. The festivities as always include costume Snuggie contests, raffles, all that good stuff, with your $10 donation going to Recycled Love, a pet adoption charity.

Will Snuggles the Wizard make an appearance? Find out!

(RVSP here if you like)

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