Lend us your voices!


City Paper 2nd year in a row. The Mobbies, fourth year in a row. First and foremost, everyone, thank you. Thanks for your continued support, your votes, your rewteets, your likes, your reshares, and all that other buzzwordy crap that make Social Media a “Thing” at all. Thanks!

But there comes a time – and it would seem that time is four years – that writing a standalone blog while juggling a full time job, hosting trivia at bars, starting beef jerky companies, freelancing for the local major publication, dedicating an entire month to charity  (and so forth) all become a bit too much. To put it succinctly, I’m tired. With occasional contributions by @spacemanandy, @dennisthecynic, and @angry_mike_ notwithstanding, it’s pretty hard to keep this thing running with any consistency and the Twitter Feed and the Facebook Page and the Instagram and the Foursquare Page while still covering the bar scene, making fun of politics and so forth. Thus we find ourselves with a basic lack of posts on the flagship website, oh lamentable abyss.

But to put it another way, there’s enough material here that The City That Breeds could conceivably go full time; I’ve been in talks with lots of people about doing a podcast for the site (and lots of other collaborations in the works). Baltimore doesn’t have very many podcasts. But monetizing this flagship in a way that’s respectful to the audience is difficult, much less monetizing in a way that could support even one person to live modestly without a full time job. So I’m selling out as much as humanly possible in order to make that happen. Or at least, I’m going to try and do that without sacrificing the “Voice” of CTB that folks seem to have been enjoying for 4 years and counting. But I can’t really do that alone.

So here’s the pitch, as I said in my one line acceptance speech at the Mobbies ceremony the other night: If you read The City That Breeds and want to write for the City That Breeds, about almost anything at all, or just send us tips about stuff around town send an email to staff@citythatbreeds.com. We need members! And there are actual rewards, true story. Spacemanandy gets free stuff all the time: $20 bills, free happy hours, mac n’ cheese dinners, all kinds of stuff. Not only that but let’s get real here – the one thing, among many, the we can do with this website that you won’t see hardly anywhere else in a major (or minor) publication, would be something like this:


And that’s kind of the whole point of doing this in the first place; complete and utter editorial and creative freedom. You want to be a part of that, don’t you? So please, while I’ll keep fighting the good fight and “report” on various bar openings and nachos around town, CTB as a whole would benefit from you, or at least I hope so. Think about it. In the meantime, I’ve gotta figure out a way to make money with this thing and quit my job.

AS FOR CONTRIBUTORS. Specifically we’re looking for

  • Sports
  • Food
  • Instagram(mers)
  • Political Opinions
  • Pretty much anything else.


3 thoughts on “Lend us your voices!

  1. Evan you are a local treasure. Congrats on the win and good luck on making a go of it. It is hard work! (But you already know that…)

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