Baltimore Mad Libs!

Everybody loves Mad Libs. It’s a scientific fact. And at some point recently the thought occurred to me: “Hey there should be some Mad Libs about Baltimore, that’d be pretty funny.” And then I thought “Hey I should run a contest where I make a Mad Lib about Baltimore and people fill it out and the best submission wins, that’d be pretty funny.”

And so here we are folks:  we’ll be launching a “Baltimore Mad Libs” contest, with totally awesome prizes for the best “fill in the words” for a Mad Lib about Baltimore we’ve provided. If it does well, we’ll make more in the future.

(If you’ve been living in a cave for the past 30+ years and just recently attained internet service and don’t know how a Mad Lib works, go here)

The “fill in the blanks” Mad Lib will go live tonight and submissions will be accepted until Midnight Sunday. The best ones will be featured in a future post all their own and will win a prize package consisting of some seriously awesome stuff.

So get your creative juices flowing people, let the zany hilarity ensue!

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