The Pizza Lobbyist

Jack Abramoff became a household name for bribing Congressmen in DC, now he’ll be a household name in Baltimore for his pizza! That’s a spicy meatball! Wait, that’s a spaghetti reference. Anyway, more recently you may have heard his name in connection with a movie featuring Kevin Spacey as the now pie chef himself. I smell Oscar! No wait, that’s just this delicious pizza ol’ Jackyboy made for me a few minutes ago. Mmmmm, corruption tastes delicious.

Via political blog Talking Points Memo:

Disgraced former lobbyist Jack Abramoff, mere months after serving his debt to society for bribing Congressmen and related shenanigans, is making mad dough these days in his new job.

That job, according to The Baltimore Jewish Times, is at kosher pizzeria Tov Pizza (6313 Reisterstown Road, Glen).

Tov, which bills itself as “Baltimore’s Best Kosher Pizza,” reportedly hired Abramoff to work with owner Ron Rosenbluth on “all aspects of the restaurant” as Abramoff completes his transition back to society at a Baltimore-based halfway house. In addition to his investment in the now-defunct Republican hangout Signatures in D.C., Abramoff once owned the kosher deli Stacks Delicatessen in the D.C. suburbs.

Speaking of documentaries about Abramoff, here’s a saucy related item tenuously linking Ehrlich with Abramoff by MD democrats:

The impetus is “Casino Jack and the United States of Money,” an acclaimed documentary about Abramoff’s fall from grace opening in theaters Friday. Toward the end, the trailer includes an ever-so-briefly-seen snapshot of Abramoff attending a Hanukkah party in Annapolis while Ehrlich was governor.

So cheesy.

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