This Snuggie thing is absolutely out of effing control.

Yeah at first Snuggies were kind of funny to me. The cult-member appeal, the idea of wearing the equivalent of a hospital gown made of LUXURIOUS material granting everyone the ability to answer the phone without the major hassle that a blanket might confer, I could kind of see it. Plus, the commercials are a gas.

But like most as seen on TV products, things have gone overboard. Like the Chia Pet before it, Snuggies have become insane mutations of themselves, coming in zebra pattern, dog varieties, and the dreaded Peekaroo (not an actual Snuggie brand product but far more sinister) – just to name a few.

And you’d think with 47 varieties of Snuggies and various god awful commercials associated with each one, that’d be enough. You’d be wrong. The latest Snuggie commercial features a horrendous theme song, lame ass white guys raising the roof, and families of Snuggie adorned dumbasses “Getting on their Snuggie!”

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!!!! There’s also a really horrible Snuggie Fan Club website where awful, horrible people can upload pictures of themselves and their dogs in Snuggies! Or maybe report on Snuggie bar crawls that they went on! There’s even a completely useless flash game in which you can upload pictures of your friends and have them dance in Snuggies!!! (except it’s completely broken and doesn’t work, I even opened it in Creative Suite and tried to get it to work with no success)


9 thoughts on “This Snuggie thing is absolutely out of effing control.

  1. you’re not wrong:
    “For $30, fans can pick up a Weezer-branded Snuggie (Wuggie?) along with a copy of the band’s new “Raditude” album. It’s a match made in hipster marketing heaven.”

    i think that last statement is hilariously wrong.

  2. I cried myself to sleep after watching that awful commercial with the animal prints, dog-Snuggies (Snoggies?), and the raise-the-roof-and-cabbage-patch-mated-and-conceived-but-decided-to-abort-before-they-brought-about-the-apocalypse dance. Seriously, I’m having dry heaves just thinking about it.

  3. The animal print commercial pisses me off to no end. There is zebra print, leopard print and camel print! Wait, Camel? It’s not a print it’s a fucking color!

    1. sadly the hawaii chair is very, very real. i actually saw a show where people used them slash made fun of them. that infomercial is so hilariously bad though it really does almost seem fake!

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