“That Bacon Guy”

So last night I’m rollin’ deep into my usual evening of trivia and I arrive to find two of my trivia compatriots handing me a bottle of Bacon Salt. I’ve seen about a trillion ads for the stuff lately, all over the internet and on Facebook especially, and quite frankly I was astonished to find that someone saw the stuff at the grocery store and said out loud “Oh man Evan needs to have this. Let’s spend money on it and give it to him.”

(which is a thought more people should have, more often)

So of course we had to try it, and I ordered a basket of fries to sprinkle it on. The end result was something similar to a barbecue potato chip, or like a Pringle with bacos on it. Not bad, not bad at all, a little weird.

But as of today it struck me; I have had people forwarding bacon-related things to me nonstop since August. And gosh I wonder why, but I seem to have accumulated a lot of bacon product information in the past few months. I have become THAT BACON GUY.

But I digress, more bacon related crap, you clamored for? Well, check out this bacon and cheese roll forwarded to me by my college buddy (full instructions through the link):


Or how about this turducken, wrapped entirely in bacon?


The list goes on, but apparently the frigging internet just can’t get enough bacon. And for now, I love it. But, I could see it going the way of Chuck Norris jokes really quickly, especially as soon as I see bacon-themed T-shirts on sale at Hot Topic. And don’t think it won’t happen. Because it will.

Oh yeah, don’t forget the alarm clock that wakes you up with bacon.

6 thoughts on ““That Bacon Guy”

  1. I told my roommate about the bacon wrapped Turducken, and she was grossed out by the fact that it was Turducken. Completely unfazed by the bacon aspect.

    While it looks nasty, i bet it tastes frickin awesome. If not a bit salty.

  2. That last one reminds me of The Office episode where Michael grills his foot on his George Foreman.

    “I enjoy the sound of sizzling bacon when I wake up in the morning, there’s nothing wrong with that…it’s delicious, it’s good for me…”

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